Legends morph age
Legends morph age

legends morph age

He is a good soldier who fights alongside Rogue and her Astonishing X-Men team against the likes of Holocaust and Apocalypse.

legends morph age

AoA Morph is a member of Magneto's X-Men. The Morph of Earth-295 ( Age of Apocalypse) is very similar to the Morph of Exiles, so much so that Blink thought it was the AoA Morph of her reality when she first met Exiles Morph. Other Versions Earth-295 (Age of Apocalypse) Morph also has no scent, which greatly annoyed the Wolverine of his reality, however Wolf Cub of Earth-616 managed to track him on his scent one time. This ability is said to be psionic, although no further explanation has been given. Morph is also capable of flight at speeds of around 40mph. Morph is capable of temporarily enhancing his strength to super-human levels, and able to lift twenty tons. He can survive for weeks without food and water and is immune to poisons and diseases. He possesses a healing factor and has healed from severe burns by making a sort of cocoon. He is very hard to injure physically and impervious to most physical attacks. He often uses his shapeshifting as comedic relief or as annoyance and/or distraction for his enemies. His body is composed of unstable molecules. Morph is an amazing shape-shifter, He is an omnimorph, one of the most powerful shape-shifters in the Marvel universe, capable of altering his shape, size, color, and even reattaching severed limbs. After his defeat, he is then reburied like his zombie teammates. Though She-Hulk has a hard time fighting Changeling, she is able to defeat him. Changeling also confesses the trials that he faced before he died. Changeling is one of these mutants, and he helps form the group named X-Humed. She-Hulk and her friend Blonde Phantom encounter Black Talon, who uses his powers to call a group of revived zombie mutants. Wearing a face that is not his own, Changeling finds redemption. Changeling posed as Xavier on a few missions, but he died heroically stopping Grotesk from destroying the planet.

legends morph age

And so it came to be that Changeling became a member of the team, although the rest of the X-Men were unaware of it. This is because Xavier knows he is being monitored by this alien race, and that the earth won't stand a chance if the Z'nox find out Xavier is preparing a defense. Charles Xavier asks Changeling to impersonate him while he secretly prepares a defense against alien invaders called the Z'nox. When Changeling found out he was dying from a rare disease, he wanted to atone for his past sins and he sought out Charles Xavier in hope of making the last of his days worthy ones. This version of Morph first appeared in Exiles issue 1 (2001). A more popular version of Morph was introduced in the pages of X-Men Alpha (1995) as part of the Age of Apocalypse storyline but the most well known and well liked version of Morph was from Earth 1080 where he joined the dimension-hoping team of heroes known as the Exiles. Morph first appeared as Changeling and was created by Roy Thomas and Werner Roth and first appeared in The X-Men #35 (1967). The members fought each other on some occasion, but Changeling eventually fled the organization when he realized that the leader of his band was actually an alien. This brought him and Factor Three into contact with the mutant-superhero team known as the X-men. This organization was bent on making mutants the dominant species instead of humanity, and was bent on world-domination. It is known that he was reluctant at what life had given him and eventually allied himself with a shady organization known as Factor Three. Not much is known about Changeling's past.

Legends morph age